What’s Next?

The Hayne Coaching Group has been successfully organizing and facilitating peer groups since 2017. In that time, we have seen many members go through explosive (and profitable!) growth, becoming far more successful financially than they ever expected when they went into business or that they had envisioned just a few short years before joining a group

One contractor increased revenue 6X in less than 3 years without sacrificing net profit.  Explosive and profitable!

But many of these same owners are now facing a new and daunting challenge that they can’t solve with the same “best practice sharing” and “issue processing” that has helped them so much in their business. While they are experiencing “success” in the business and financial sense, they are also noticing that something is still missing in their lives. There is a void.  
Nothing is wrong, but something is still off.

Are any of these changes happening to you?

  • Although you still have challenges at work, do you sometimes feel like you are simply “going through the motions”?

  • Is your work-life balance out of whack and are you beginning to understand that it isn’t sustainable?

  • Or, perhaps you aren’t “needed” for day-to-day operations anymore and really don’t know what to do to fill the holes appearing in your schedule. Nothing intrigues or inspires you. You, actually, are a bit bored.

  • Is the dream that got you “here” not enough anymore?

  • Is work just not fun anymore? Is it sucking energy from you rather than feeding you?

  • In spite of your success, do you feel like something significant is “missing”?

  • Are you looking for something to energize and inspire you, new challenges?

What’s Next?

You are not stuck with the status quo.   We are already equipping people, just like you, with the tools they need, “transition tools”, to get back on track.  Discover “What’s Next” for you and create a future that is more enriching, more expansive, more empowering, more fulfilling than what you have now or even think possible…. more!

If you are reading this, I’m assuming it is because you are planning or involved in some sort of transition in your life (which includes your career) that either isn’t going well or you are worried that you have a less-than-ideal plan or path forward.     

There is no one-size-fits-all solution. That is why we will start with a conversation.  There is no obligation to you (or me) if the fit isn’t there. 

Want to know more about how you can transition well? Schedule a brief meeting with Greg now to begin your success into What’s Next.